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opMoon is a cutting-edge crypto project leveraging the emerging opBNB blockchain to introduce a novel reflection token.

Through its revolutionary reflection mechanism, holders automatically earn rewards as transactions occur within the ecosystem, encouraging long-term participation and fostering a vibrant community.

We use a tax mechanism (5% on buys, 5% on sells) on each transaction to help support the project's growth and reward loyal token holders. Initial liquidity has been locked for 3 months and 100% of the supply was used to form it, meaning the entire token allocation is in the market's hands.

Please find below all official links of the project:







Buy Link

Contract Address


opMoon has experienced rapid growth since it's launch and sits at the forefront of all tokens deployed on opBNB (exclusing DEX tokens). Our mission is to become the driving force behind the newly-established blockchain as the premier reflection token on the network.

Please review this documentation book in order to learn all details about our project. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please reach us by means of one of our official social channels.

Last updated